Thursday, August 24, 2017

Sandwich-less peanut free kids lunch

Hey y'all! In honor of school starting back I wanted to share a few of the lunches that I make for Jaiden. Sandwiches are boring and half the time he told me he didn't even eat them *insert eye roll emoji*. I like to pack his lunch instead of him purchasing the school lunch- unless it's pizza day, he loves the school pizza and really any pizza so on those days I do let him buy lunch. He can be very picky and decides he doesn't like something anymore out of the blue so I do struggle with making him lunches that I know he will love but not being repetitive either.

I pack all of his lunches in THESE instead of using snack and sandwich baggies. I plan to buy some stainless steel ones but I knew I needed several right away so I just went with the plastic ones for now. I make his lunches the night before because mornings are hectic and my husband actually takes Jaiden to school so it's easiest for everyone if everything is already ready.

Turkey Pinwheels
These are so easy to make and Jaiden loves them. These are our summer go to snack for the pool/lake and he always loves them so I knew they'd be perfect for lunch. I put turkey, muenster cheese, mayo and mustard on his.

Turkey, Cheese and Pretzels
I don't have a real name for these lol. But it's turkey rolled up and a square of cheese with a pretzel in the middle. Jaiden wasn't crazy about these but the girls loved them so I thought I'd include them anyways. These can't be made the night before though because the pretzel will become soggy.

Jaiden LOVES guacamole and nachos but with it still being in the mid 90's I wanted to still send a cold lunch so I decided to go with guacamole. The next day when I picked him up from school he couldn't stop talking about how much he loved his lunch. So this one is definitely a keeper.

Lunchables made from love
All 3 of my kids love lunchables and if I'm being 100% honest my husband and I do too haha. I had saw another mom make homemade lunchables so I wanted to give it a shot myself. Jaiden actually prefers muenster cheese over the American cheese that comes with the turkey store bought lunchables but did say he wishes these came with the piece of candy. I didn't have a cookie cutter to make the circles so I found a lid from one of the girls old dr brown bottles and it was the perfect size circle.

If any of you have sandwich-less lunch options I'd love to hear them!


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